Questions & Answers
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Need help? Check our frequently asked questions below. Can’t find your question? Please get in touch with us.
Need help? Check our frequently asked questions below. Can’t find your question? Please get in touch with us.
Do you have a specific question? Perhaps it has already been answered. Check our most frequently asked questions per subject below.
First download the free Connect4Shore app via the App Store or Google Play Store and log in. Don’t have an account yet? Register here.
*A sticker on every box shows the box number. For example, box 088. The connection number can be found in the box itself, for example connection 1. Box 088 – connection 1, becomes 0881
** Some boxes require additional authorisation. Does the green light on the box flash after commencing the shore power action? Press the (re)start button on the box to activate the power supply.
*** Only disconnect the power cable after you’ve terminated the transaction in the app. If you decide to disconnect earlier, the supply will be immediately stopped and the transaction in the app will be terminated automatically after a few minutes.
Don’t have an app? Then easily start the transaction using the client portal or by giving us a call.
Client portal:
* A sticker on every box shows the box number. For example, box 088. The connection number can be found in the box itself, for example connection 1. Kast 088 – connection 1, becomes 0881.
** Some boxes require additional authorisation. Does the green light on the box flash after commencing the shore power action? Press the (re)start button on the box to activate the power supply.
*** Only disconnect the power cable after you’ve terminated the transaction in the app. If you decide to disconnect earlier, the supply will be immediately stopped and the transaction in the app will be terminated automatically after a few minutes.
By phone:
Don’t have (mobile) Internet? Call us using number recognition at +31 88 4685 440 and follow the instructions.
Please note: when calling, please indicate the box number + connection. For example: box 088 – connection 1, becomes 0881.
Click here for an up-to-date overview of our tariffs.
Click here for an up-to-date overview of all locations.
Do not disconnect the power cable until you have completed the transaction in the app or in the client portal. If you decide to disconnect earlier, the supply will be immediately stopped and the transaction in the app will be terminated automatically after a few minutes. This prevents others from purchasing shore power at your expense.
Have you terminated the transaction in the app, but has the supply not stopped yet? Disconnect the power cable as quickly as possible.
Check our malfunction page to learn which steps to take to solve the problem.
Every shore power box has connections of the type 400V/63A/50Hz. You can use a CEE 5-pin 63A plug for these connections. Some of the shore power boxes also have connections of the type type 230V/16A/50Hz (for a CEE 3 pin 16A plug) or 400V/32A/50Hz (for a CEE 5-pin 32A plug). There are also bulk consumers, the so-called power-lock connections.
Some shore power boxes are compatible with 230V or 1x16A systems. You should then use a 3-pin 16A plug. Is this type of connection not available in your shore power box? Please contact your system engineer.
No, this is prohibited. There are numerous outlets where you can buy the right cables and plugs, however.
A number of boxes allow you to operate the residual current circuit breaker yourself. Suffering from a short circuit? Figure out the cause and try to fix the problem. Now put the circuit breaker back. The residual current circuit breaker is provided with the number of the shore power box. Is the residual current circuit breaker of the shore power box not accessible? Please contact us by calling +31 88 4685 440.
A Rittal key, which is used to open the shore power box, is available at most DIY centres or at a bunker station.
The power strip can be found behind the door of the shore power box. To open this door, you will need a Rittal key.
The first 3 digits are the box number and the fourth digit is the number of the connection where you placed the plug.
Are you looking for the right shore power box via the app or client portal? Try to enter the box number. You can then select the right connection.
Please note: when calling, please indicate the box number + connection. For example: box 088 – connection 1, becomes 0881.
First download the free Connect4Shore app via the App Store or Google Play Store and log in. Don’t have an account yet? Register here.
* A sticker on every box shows the box number. For example, box 051. The connection number can be found in the box itself, for example connection 1. Box 051 – connection 1, becomes 0511.
** After starting the drinking water transaction, the green light on the box will flash. Press the blue button to (re)start the supply of drinking water.
*** Does this not happen automatically? Then manually stop the transaction in the app.
Don’t have an app? Then easily start the transaction using the client portal or by giving us a call.
Client portal:
* A sticker on every box shows the box number. For example, box 051. The connection number can be found in the box itself, for example connection 1. Box 051 – connection 1, becomes 0511.
** After starting the drinking water transaction, the green light on the box will flash. Press the blue button to (re)start the supply of drinking water.
*** Does this not happen automatically? Then terminate the transaction manually.
By phone:
Don’t have (mobile) Internet? Call us using number recognition at +31 88 4685 440 and follow the instructions.
Please note: when calling, please indicate the box number + connection. For example: box 051 – connection 1, becomes 0511.
Click here for an up-to-date overview of our tariffs.
Click here for an up-to-date overview of all locations.
Check our malfunction page to learn which steps to take to solve the problem.
First download the free Connect4Shore app via the App Store or Google Play Store and log in. Don’t have an account yet? Register here.
*Check our tariffs page for the correct zone. Registered a cargo ship? After entering the correct zone, also specify the current tonnage.
Don’t have an app? Then easily start the transaction using the client portal or by giving us a call.
Client portal:
*Check our tariffs page for the correct zone. Registered a cargo ship? After entering the correct zone, also specify the current tonnage.
By phone:
Don’t have (mobile) Internet? Call us using number recognition at +31 88 4685 440 and follow the instructions.
Click here for an up-to-date overview of our tariffs.
Click here for an up-to-date overview of all locations.
Port dues always apply for a certain period. If you have stopped your berth action within this period, you don’t have to do anything. Have you stopped your berth action outside this period?* Please contact us.
*For example: The tariff is valid for 7 days. Have you been in port with your ship for 3 days, but only stopped the transaction on day 5? Then there’s no need to worry. You remained within the 7 days. Did you only stop the transaction on day 8, however? Please get in touch with us. We will then correct your berth action. This will prevent us from incorrectly charging double port dues (2 times 7 days).
Please contact us. Please indicate in which zone the berth action should have been and we will correct this for you
Port dues always apply for a certain period. If you departed within this period, then you don’t have to do anything. Did you remain in the port after this period, however?* Please contact us. We will correct your transaction.
*For example: The tariff is valid for 7 days. Have you been in the port for 5 days, but departed on day 4? Then there’s no need to worry. You remained within the 7 days. However, did you stay for longer than 7 days? Please get in touch with us. We will then correct your berth action.
Please contact us directly. Provide us with the correct ship data and we will correct the transaction for you.
Although this is not directly reflected in your consumption in the app or in your client portal, this will be automatically settled for you on the invoice.
First download the free Connect4Shore app via the App Store or Google Play Store and log in. Don’t have an account yet? Register here.
*A sticker on every container shows the container number.
** Some containers have a card reader. This is not usable; the container can only be opened via Connect4Shore.
***Some containers have several valves that open simultaneously. If this valve does not open, check the other valve.
Don’t have an app? Then easily start the transaction using the client portal or by giving us a call.
Client portal:
*A sticker on every container shows the container number.
** Some containers have a card reader. This is not usable; the container can only be opened via Connect4Shore.
*** Some containers have several valves that open simultaneously. If this valve does not open, check the other valve.
By phone:
Don’t have (mobile) Internet? Call us using number recognition at +31 88 4685 440 and follow the instructions.
Click here for an up-to-date overview of our tariffs.
Click here for an up-to-date overview of all locations.
Check our malfunction page to learn which steps to take to solve the problem.
Easily register an account here. Click on “ Not yet a customer? Signup here. We will process your registration immediately. You will receive an email to confirm your registration and follow the instructions. After confirmation you can log in immediately.
After logging in you will see a screen where you have to fill in the missing data. You will then be all set to start using the Connect4Shore services.
You can easily do this by logging in to your client page.
If you are a user in the account, you can only change your personal information. You do this by clicking on details on the left, enter your details and click on save. Other adjustments can only be made by the main user of the account. If you do not know who the main user is, please contact us.
If you are the main user of the account, select the item you want to change on the left, enter your details and click save. Please note that as the main user you cannot change the e-mail address of the sub-users.
If you want to change the data of the user(s) and/or vessel(s) click on the pencil.
This can only be done via the website
You can add a ship in the account as the main user. You do this by clicking on “Vessels” on the left side of the menu and then clicking on the Add vessel button. If desired, you can also directly link the vessel to the desired user(s). If you are not a main user, please contact the main user of the account. If you do not know who the main user is, please contact us.
This can only be done via the website
You can add an additional user(s) to your account as main user. You do this by clicking on “Users” on the left side of the menu. You fill in all the user’s details on the screen and then the user receives an email with the request to confirm his account and then create a password.
A sub-user does not have the authority to link a vessel, this will be done by the main user before a transaction can be started. See explanation linking vessel(s) to user(s).
This can only be done via the website
As the main user in the account, you can delete the sub-user(s). You do this by clicking on “users” on the left side of the menu. If you want to delete the user(s), click on the delete icon.
Deletion of a user(s) can only be performed when there is no current transaction active in the account of this user and/or associated vessel.
A sub-user has no authority to delete himself or other user(s).
This can only be done via the website
As the main user in the account, you can delete the vessel(s). You do this by clicking on “vessels” on the left side of the menu. If you want to delete the vessel(s) click on the delete icon.
Deleting a vessel(s) can only be done when there is no longer an active transaction.
A sub-user has no authority to delete vessels himself.
This can only be done via the website
As the main user in the account, you can link the vessel(s) to the user(s). You do this by clicking on “vessels” on the left side of the menu. If you want to link the vessel(s), click on the users icon. Follow the instructions shown on the screen here.
This is possible in 2 ways:
In addition to past usage, here you will also find ongoing transactions.
Use this link to easily request a link to reset your password. You will then receive an e-mail within seconds. Follow the instructions to reset your password.
Are you presented with a blank screen after clicking the link to reset your password? Try to delete your cookies or open the link in an incognito browser.*
*You can do this by clicking the three ‘dots’ in the top right corner of your browser and choosing ‘new incognito window’.
Please contact us directly. We will process the termination of your account within 2 working days. You will first receive an e-mail confirmation.
Please contact us directly. We will process your request within 2 working days. You will first receive an e-mail confirmation.
The free app for iPhones can be downloaded in the App Store. The app for Android phones is available in the Google Play Store. Open the relevant store on your phone, search Connect4Shore and click ‘download’.
Download the free Connect4Shore app in the App Store or Google Play Store and log in. Don’t have an account yet? Register here.
Open the app and select the right location or manually enter the box, zone or container number. Choose ‘start’ to start your transaction.
Open the app again and choose ‘stop’ to stop the transaction.* It will then automatically be moved to your history. You will always pay afterwards via a monthly invoice.
*Disposing of waste? Then your transaction will automatically stop after you’ve placed the waste in the container. You don’t have to do anything else.
Using the Connect4Shore app, you can take advantage of the following services:
Click here to see how it works.
First download the free Connect4Shore app via the App Store or Google Play Store and log in. Don’t have an account yet? Register here.
Open the app and select the right location or manually enter the box, zone or container number. Choose ‘start’ and the transaction will start.
Open the app again and choose ‘stop’ to stop the transaction.* It will then automatically be moved to your history. You will always pay afterwards via a monthly invoice.
*Disposing of waste? Then your transaction will automatically stop after you’ve placed the waste in the container. You don’t have to do anything else.
Are you about to start or stop a transaction, but is the app not responding? Easily start and/or stop your transaction using the client portal or by calling us using number recognition at +31 88 4685 440.
You can pay your invoice by direct debit or credit card. You will choose your payment method after creating your account. The costs of the previous month will be debited halfway through the subsequent month. Example: mid-February you will pay the costs for January.*
You will receive an invoice notification by e-mail in advance. These will be sent by Buckaroo on our behalf. The amount will then be automatically debited within 7 days.
*Please note: This concerns transactions that have been stopped in the relevant month. For example, suppose you start a transactions on 31 January and stop it on 1 February, then these costs will be reflected on the invoice for February.
You will receive the invoice halfway through the subsequent month via e-mail. For example: Around mid-February you will receive the invoice for January. The amount will then automatically be debited within 7 days.
Your invoice provides a summary of all stopped transactions in the previous month. For a detailed overview of your usage costs, please visit your client portal.
You will receive your invoices via e-mail. These will be sent by Buckaroo on our behalf.
Tip: Create a separate folder in your inbox for storing your invoices. This will make it easy to find them.
You can download the specification of each invoice yourself in your account, for this, go to your customer page.
When logged in, you can click on invoices on the left side of the menu.
Behind the relevant invoice number, you can click on the Download button and the specification will appear. Here you can save or print the specification.
You can easily adjust your payment information using the client page. Unfortunately, this is not yet possible using the app.
*Please note: Your IBAN number is case sensitive.
In the unlikely event that the direct debit has failed, you will automatically receive a payment reminder by e-mail. Please wait until you’ve received this e-mail and follow the instructions to complete the payment.
Prefer to transfer the amount manually? Please use the following information:
Please mention your invoice and customer number in the description. These can be found on the invoice. We will process a manual payment within 2 to 3 working days.
We will try to reply within 2 working days.